I'm looking for anyone on JWN who might be fluent in both written and spoken Italian and Portuguese (Brazilian dialect).
I've recently received two very interesting communications from Jehovah's Witnesses in Brazil and Italy. They seem to be very anxious to tell their stories and share them with the rest of the world. I've used Google translator to try to get the gist of what they are trying to tell me, but I've found that for online translation services to work well you have to write in very short sentences and use very common phrases to make them truly intelligible. I don't write that way, nor do most of my correspondents, so trying to fully understand emails is mostly unsuccessful.
Maybe someone here has already had contact with Rocco Politi. He sent me a link to an Italian talk show where he and his wife (I think that is him!?!) give an interview about their experiences and some kind of expose of the JWs in Italy or that part of the world.
So - is there anyone out there that can work with me on this? If so, please PM me and I will give you all of my contact info. Or contact me through Ex-JW.com on the Contact page.
I will protect your identity if necessary. What I need are truly bi-lingual speakers and readers, not someone with a couple of semesters of high school level language courses. I need to fully understand the use of unique JW lingo and local shadings and slang, something not usually available to formally trained students - but only to someone who was raised or has lived with the languages.
I will, of course, give full credit to anyone who helps me with this. There is a lot going on in Brazil right now and it looks like there are possible a dozen or more anti-JW activist groups that are trying to expose the Watchtower and are fighting against shunning and blood transfusion teachings.
Check out this link (in Italian - very long) that I received from my Italian correspondent.